Tangible Interfaces
- HyperOlympic by Loic Horellou and Djeff Regottaz (2010): Run and play the Konami arcade game "track and field" from 1983
- Makey-makey (2012)
- Arduino Micro or Leonardo: Use Arduino as a keyboard
- Degré 48 by g-u-i (2013): Design posters with MIDI controller
- do·doc box controller by l'Atelier des Chercheurs: Navigate in do·doc (documentation app for learning contexts)
- PJ Machine by Sarah Garcin (2016): Design publications with big buttons
- Control the controllers workshop, Hackers & Designers (2018): Repurposing controller and toys to control Photoshop
- Interfacial Workout workshop, Hackers & Designers (2019): Design publications with your body